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West Northants Sustainable Food Place


WNSFP exists to improve the sustainability, accessibility, quality and affordability of food in West Northants

Our partnership believes that good food matters. Whilst this was true pre-covid, we believe covid 19 has highlighted the importance of good food, produced locally, and available to all - especially those on low incomes - to improve health and the local economy

Working together, Sustain,  Food Matters and the Soil Association lead a national programme to improve food quality at a local level. It's called Sustainable Food Places.

We are registered with them as a member Sustainable Food Place 

We have completed a food charter for our area - read it Here

Our alliance works to  improve the quality of food under six key headings. These are:

In West Northants a group of key organisations representing a wide range of interest in good, sustainable food has come together to inspire and co-ordinate work under the headings above and produce a sustainable food strategy for our area. The thematic areas covered above are broad and diverse, so we include in our steering group membership people and organisations who between them cover all these areas.

We include:

  • The voluntary sector: organisations like Northampton Hope Centre and Northants ACRE
  • Environmental groups like Transition Town and Circular economies network
  • Northamptonshire Public Health
  • West Northants Unitary Council
  • The University of Northampton
  • Northampton General Hospital
  • Northampton Partnership Homes
  • Made in Northampton (local food producers)

Our role is not always to lead action within the specific areas listed above: this can be done by separate working groups and alliances who form part of our wider network, as well as SFP sub-groups.

We inspire action by such groups and link their actions  to create this wider and broader programme. 



How we work

Northampton Hope Centre convenes the work of the partnership and chairs meetings, and with Sustain and Lottery funding employs a development worker.

We have four working groups:

  • Food and health - led by Public Health within West Northants Council
  • Growing
  • Supply chains, procurement and catering
  • Food poverty - we work through the FAAWN alliance

Do you want to get involved in our work? Do you want to share with us examples of inspiring work to offer good food in our area?  Contact our project worker Cat on

 Follow our social media




Directories of local food business, markets etc:

Farmers' markets and shops

Retailers and producers


This website is managed by Northampton Hope Centre on behalf of the partnership. Contact us on 01604 214300 about this site.